Състояние: новаОписание: This book is a reprinted edition of the original
version from 1914. This is the first general book
of travel and description, treating of the
rejuvenated Bulgarian kingdom, to be published
in the English language. Of all the peoples of
the Balkan peninsula, the Bulgars are least well
known in Europe and America; and yet it is the
universal testimony of the few foreigners who
have learned to know them intimately that the
inhabitans of " the peasant state ", althound
more recently liberated from the oppressive
Turkish rule than the other races of the
peninsula, have outdistanced the Greeks, the
Roumanians, the Servians, and the montenegrins in
most of the matters that make for social progress
and civilization. -
България и нейния народ пътепис за България и
българите на английски от началото на XX век,
със снимки